Saturday 24 October 2009

we don't THINK...

i am not suprised to see people who cannot think...

they may say about unity, malay supremacy, korupsi, integrity bla, bla, bla....but after all they can just talk...they don't THINK...

some may not have the ability to justify things, even fundamental THINGS..

TIPS beri pandangan..

p/s: i won't think these people can lead us in the future..btw, i'm not generalising..

allahualam Best Blogger Tips


  1. thinking always good for people who want to find the truth...sometime a leader look like a fool to us...nak tau kenape? sebab diorang memang tak bleh harap...rasuah, gangster, sex scandal dan macam2 lagilah yang menjijikan telinga bila didengar....tapikan kenape orang masih nak tolak jadi pemimpin orang yang macam nie...sebab yang sokong tue not think very carefull...huh..marah nie...

  2. after all we are the one who will always bare those big responsibility..


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